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- El verdadero equipo en un evento
Algo invisible falla y se esconde en tierra de nadie Seguro que muchos de vosotros habéis vivido situaciones en las que en la preparación del evento "algo invisible falla" y todos hicimos bien nuestro trabajo. El fallo está oculto en tierra de nadie y un personaje (en ocasiones he sido yo), va de técnico en técnico desesperadamente intentando encontrar respuesta a preguntas que se van complicando exponencialmente conforme va incrementando el número de interlocutores. Cunado esto sucede, realmente es una agonia. De repente aparece aquella buena persona más inesperada del equipo, que se alia contigo en resolver el "brown" y entonces ya sois dos. Sientes cierto alivio porqué tus esfuerzos se multiplican. Tal vez en un rato aparece otra alma gemela y así, con la suma de buenas personas, acabas identificando y resolviendo el error. Pues bien, esos héroes que en momentos de tensión están ahí, no solo son buenas personas, son excelentes profesionales que saben que el éxito del evento es la suma del éxito de cada una de las partes implicadas y que hay que ir más allá de tus estrictas responsabilidades y velar por la globalidad. Y no solo está el equipo organizador, el funcionamiento de un evento depende en parte de muchos equipos externos que hay que saber coordinar y motivar: Patrocinadores principales: Estos son los principales patrocinadores del evento que brindan un apoyo financiero significativo y aportan recursos adicionales. Por lo general, se busca contar con un número limitado de patrocinadores principales que estén dispuestos a hacer una inversión sustancial en el evento. Patrocinadores secundarios: Estos son patrocinadores adicionales que pueden brindar un apoyo financiero menor, pero que aún desempeñan un papel importante en el evento. Pueden ser empresas locales, proveedores de servicios o patrocinadores específicos de determinadas actividades o aspectos del evento. Proveedores y colaboradores: Estos son los proveedores de servicios, empresas de logística y colaboradores que brindan recursos y servicios necesarios para el evento. Pueden incluir proveedores de producción audiovisual, catering, empresas de alquiler de equipos, proveedores de transporte, entre otros. Medios de comunicación y promotores: Los medios de comunicación, tanto tradicionales como digitales, juegan un papel importante en la promoción y la generación de cobertura mediática del evento. Además, los promotores y difusores en redes sociales, influencers y personas influyentes pueden contribuir a la promoción y atraer a un público más amplio. Colaboradores locales y comunitarios: Establecer alianzas con organizaciones locales, autoridades locales, cámaras de comercio y asociaciones empresariales puede proporcionar apoyo logístico adicional, participación comunitaria y una conexión más fuerte con el entorno local. Equipo interno y voluntarios: Un equipo interno bien coordinado y comprometido es esencial para la planificación y ejecución del evento. Además, los voluntarios pueden proporcionar mano de obra adicional y entusiasmo durante el evento. El mayor reto es conseguir establecer relaciones sólidas, confiables y mutuamente beneficiosas con los participantes seleccionados y entre ellos debe prevalecer la buena predisposición y la cohesión. ¡ellos son nuestro verdadero equipo! #eventos Cristina Rimbau Co-founder & Managing Partner, The Angle Studio Barcelona
- The Rise of Hybrid Events: Revolutionizing Live Streamed Experiences with The Angle Studio
The Future of Event Engagement In the ever-evolving landscape of event experiences, hybrid options have emerged as a powerful solution to bridge the gap between in-person and virtual engagements. At The Angle Studio, we have pioneered a unique technology that adds hybrid functionalities to live streamed events, transforming them into immersive, interactive experiences. Our innovative technology enables seamless two-way communication between event venues and participants worldwide, amplifying engagement and ensuring both on-site and remote audiences enjoy the full event experience. What are Hybrid Events? Hybrid events combine the best of both worlds by seamlessly integrating in-person and virtual elements. They allow event organizers to reach a global audience while still offering the benefits of face-to-face interactions. With our expertise and technology, these interactions become an easy and affordable task for events of all sizes. The Power of Two-Way Communication Traditional live streamed events often lack the interactive aspect that makes in-person experiences so engaging. Our unique technology fills this gap by enabling two-way communication between the event venue and remote viewers. This means that participants from around the world can actively participate in real-time discussions, Q&A sessions, and even interact with on-site attendees. The result is an inclusive and immersive event experience that transcends physical boundaries. How do we achieve that? Our 4G/5G backpack systems work both ways, and connected to our hybrid events system, they are able to both send and receive video from our studio in real time. Our extensive experience in remote productions gave our team the unique knowledge to make this kind of complex events an absolute success Unlocking New Opportunities for Event Organizers With our technology, event organizers can explore new revenue streams and business models. By offering virtual tickets and sponsorship opportunities for remote participants, organizers can monetize their events beyond the physical venue. The hybrid approach also provides flexibility, as it allows for easy scalability, accommodating both in-person attendees and virtual participants, ensuring events can adapt to changing circumstances. Hybrid events also open the door to endless creative solutions where attendees in multiple locations get to exchange experiences and connect in unique ways. Why not adding a screen with virtual attendees to each table during networking breakouts? Or maybe roving iPads with important speakers that couldn't come to the event, so attendees can still have private, off-stage interactions with them. Enabling the convergence of in-person and virtual experiences is an ever-growing need. With The Angle Studio's unique technology, the boundaries between on-site and remote participants are dissolved, allowing for seamless two-way communication and amplifying engagement. Embracing the power of hybrid events opens up a world of possibilities for event organizers, expanding their reach, enhancing attendee satisfaction, and unlocking new revenue streams. Contact us to discover how our innovative technology can transform your next event into an immersive and inclusive hybrid experience.
- Patrocinadores: compañeros de viaje en un evento
Potenciando alianzas estratégicas para eventos exitosos Los patrocinadores son esenciales en el panorama de los eventos, ya que no solo creen en su potencial, sino que también depositan sus expectativas en su realización. Por lo general, buscan obtener una amplia gama de beneficios y rendimientos de su inversión, que se deberán analizar y transformar en resultados tangibles. ¿Cuáles son algunos de estos beneficios que esperan obtener? Visibilidad de marca: Los patrocinadores buscan aumentar el reconocimiento y la visibilidad de su marca entre el público objetivo del evento. Esperan que su marca se destaque en la publicidad y la promoción del evento, y que su logotipo y nombre aparezcan en diversos materiales, como carteles, folletos, banners y sitios web del evento. Exposición al público objetivo: Una buena selección de sponsors tendrá como público objetivo a los asistentes del evento o a los espectadores online. Esperan que el evento les brinde la oportunidad de interactuar y generar relaciones con posibles clientes, socios comerciales u otros actores relevantes en su sector. Generación de leads: Obtener información de contacto de personas interesadas en sus productos o servicios es de gran valor para los patrocinadores. Podemos ofrecerles opciones para recopilar datos de los asistentes al evento a través de formularios de registro, concursos, escaneo de códigos QR u otras estrategias, para que luego utilicen esos datos en sus actividades de marketing y ventas. Asociación con una experiencia positiva: Los patrocinadores desean asociar su marca con una experiencia positiva y memorable. Esperan que el evento sea exitoso y que los asistentes tengan una experiencia gratificante. Al asociarse con un evento de calidad, los patrocinadores buscan mejorar su reputación y ganar la confianza de los consumidores. Oportunidades de activación de marca: Una buena organización creará un espacio para poder realizar activaciones de marca durante el evento, lo que significa que pueden llevar a cabo actividades interactivas, muestras de productos, demostraciones, obsequios u otras formas de participación que permitan a los asistentes experimentar y conocer más sobre su marca. Retorno de la inversión (ROI): Por último, los patrocinadores esperan obtener un retorno tangible de su inversión. Esto puede medirse a través de diferentes métricas, como el aumento en las ventas, el número de nuevos clientes adquiridos, la cobertura mediática generada, el aumento en las interacciones en redes sociales, entre otros indicadores que demuestran que la inversión en el evento ha valido la pena. Retransmitir el evento en streaming crea nuevas oportunidades de valor añadido para tus sponsors. Al llevar el contenido del evento online, abrimos la puerta a nuevos públicos objetivo: los espectadores remotos y la audiencia en redes sociales. Pensando en este nuevo público, los sponsors pueden: Reproducir anuncions in-stream entre actos o al inicio o final del evento. Incorporar logos o gráficos dentro de la retransmisión. Incluir anuncios, formularios u otros elementos en la página junto al reproductor de streaming. Retransmitir el evento simultáneamente en sus redes sociales con gráficos diferentes. Añadir contenido en directo exclusivo de su marca (ej. entrevista exclusiva online) Ofertas o códigos para acceder a promociones online. Repaquetizar contenido del evento en tiempo real para sus necesidades comunicativas específicas. La relación con los patrocinadores es vital para el éxito de un evento y es nuestro trabajo como organizadores y comunicadores velar por sus intereses. En The Angle Studio tenemos múltiples herramientas para fortificar estas relaciones y ayudar a los sponsors a conseguir resultados. Estaremos contigo si nos necesitas. ¡Feliz inicio de verano! Cristina Rimbau Co-founder & Managing Partner, The Angle Studio Barcelona
- Empowering Your Brand through Employee Voices
In today's competitive business landscape, a brand's communication strategy plays a pivotal role in shaping its success. While marketing tactics are essential, an authentic and powerful communication strategy goes beyond that. It involves amplifying the voices of your employees, the backbone of your organization. As a testament to the power of employee voices, you can have a look at our recent project with Starbucks Spain, where The Angle Studio organized a captivating live stream event at one of their cafes in Barcelona, allowing employees to engage in intimate, podcast-like discussions about their experiences at the company. Empowerment and Authenticity: At The Angle Studio, we understand the value of empowering employees and leveraging their voices to foster a genuine connection with your audience. By providing your employees with a platform to share their stories and perspectives, you cultivate a sense of empowerment within your organization. This, in turn, translates into increased motivation, engagement, and loyalty, ultimately driving your brand's growth. Building Trust through Authenticity: In an era where authenticity and relatability are highly sought-after by customers, showcasing employee voices humanizes your brand. By sharing genuine stories and experiences, your brand becomes relatable and trustworthy. At the same time, the interest in sharing their staff's stories encourages every company to offer a good work environment where employees feel validated and compelled to add value to the brand with their stories. It's as important to make sure the message is genuine and reflects the true reality of the employee experience as it is to dedicate resources to communicating it effectively. Amplifying Expertise: Your employees possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise. By showcasing their insights, you can tap into this valuable resource to enhance your brand's communication strategy. Each employee brings unique experiences and expertise, adding depth and credibility to your messaging. Leveraging their knowledge not only benefits your brand but also demonstrates your organization's respect for the talent within. Cultivating a Strong Brand Culture: At The Angle Studio, we believe that showcasing employee voices strengthens brand culture. When employees are given a platform to express their thoughts and experiences, it creates a sense of belonging and camaraderie. This fosters a strong brand culture that values collaboration, inclusivity, and open communication. Our collaboration with Starbucks Spain exemplified this commitment, attracting top talent and promoting employee retention. Incorporating employee voices into your brand's communication strategy is a transformative approach that drives empowerment, authenticity, and growth. With The Angle Studio's expertise, your brand can unlock the full potential of employee narratives. Together, we can create a communication strategy that reflects the heart and soul of your organization, fostering genuine connections with your audience and propelling your brand to new heights of success.
- 5 Facts about the Live Streaming Revolution: Captivating Insights You Need to Know
The Thriving Era of Live Streaming: Engaging Audiences in Real Time Live streaming has witnessed a remarkable surge in popularity, reshaping the way content is consumed and captivating audiences worldwide. Let's delve into the compelling statistics that showcase the power of live streaming, its exponential growth, and the diverse demographic appeal it holds. At The Angle Studio, we are experts in live streaming, leveraging our remote production technology to multiply the reach of your content. 1. Live content outperforms on-demand video, generating 27% more watch time per viewing. According to the Conviva State of Streaming 2021 report, live video reigns supreme in terms of engagement, with viewers spending an average of 25.4 minutes per session compared to 19 minutes for on-demand videos. 2. Live streaming witnessed a significant 13% growth in 2021. Contrary to initial predictions of a temporary surge during the pandemic, live streaming continued its upward trajectory in 2021. This sustained growth, as reported by Streamlabs, indicates a transformative shift in the way audiences consume content. 3. Social media remains the preferred platform for 52% of live video viewers globally. A recent survey by eMarketer2 reveals that more than half of live video viewers prefer to stream content through social media platforms. However, in the United States, 40% of respondents choose social media, while 43% opt for digital streaming subscriptions, reflecting regional differences in consumption habits. 4. Twitch dominates the live streaming market, accounting for over two-thirds of all streaming hours watched. Twitch, the leading streaming platform, solidifies its dominance by capturing a staggering 6.51 billion hours of the total 9 billion hours watched in the last quarter. Streamlabs' data underscores Twitch's continuous growth, with a 27% year-over-year increase in viewership. 5. The 18 to 34-year-old demographic emerges as the most avid viewers of live stream video in the US. A Statista study highlights that 18 to 34-year-olds show the highest frequency of engagement with live streaming. Approximately 15% of individuals in this age range watch live video content several times per day, while those aged 55 and above display lower levels of interest, with 62% never engaging in live streaming. Live streaming has become an integral part of the digital landscape, captivating audiences with its real-time and immersive nature. These statistics demonstrate the growing influence of live streaming, its ability to engage diverse demographics, and the dominance of platforms like Twitch. At The Angle Studio, we specialize in live streaming, utilizing our remote production technology to amplify the reach of your content. To harness the power of live streaming and unlock new possibilities for your brand or organization, contact us at
- Why it's important for a business to stand up for their values
In the US and many other parts of the world, increasingly, every month of June comes with an uncomfortable dilemma for most corporations. It's the month companies have to decide how much they want to prove they stand for LGBTQIA+ rights and what it's going to cost them. Every year comes with a new controversy fuelled by a reactionary segment of the population that puts every business' intergrity to test. This year it was Target and Bud Light, that were highly critisized for ever so slightly supporting a trans person's right to exist in every stage of their life. Their leadership's reaction didn't mesure up to the situation and was proof we still have so much work to do. Business and politics don't exist in a vacuum, and in a society dominated by the powers of the market, every economic actor must take a stance on key issues. Businesses can influence public opinion and shape the world around us. Moreover, companies have a social responsibility to advocate for values that promote equality, diversity, and inclusion. This means supporting minorities, such as the LGBTQIA+ community, and taking action against discrimination and hate speech. While it may be uncomfortable or costly in the short-term, the benefits outweigh the risks. It is in nobody's economic interest to build a world that's less safe, less peaceful and with more inequality. From a selfish standpoint, by standing up for what is right, businesses can attract and retain customers who share similar values, build a positive brand image, and foster a culture of inclusivity within their organization. At The Angle Studio, we can provide resources to help you build an inclusive company culture and brand strategy by creating stunning content that reflects the true essence of your company and what you stand for. Have a look at our commitment page to find out more about what we believe in. Happy pride month, and for those in New York, happy pride weekend! Albert Negrete CEO and Senior Producer